Insight into liquidity is crucial at the time of Corona

Insight into liquidity and the different scenarios is crucial at the time of the Corona crisis.

Literally the whole world is currently being hit hard by the impact of the Corona virus. This applies to individuals, but certainly also to entrepreneurs who are currently unable to carry out their business operations as they are normally used to. Or worse; activities are forced to stop. That hits hard. 

The Dutch government has meanwhile announced or implemented various measures to prevent irreparable damage from being caused. But what does this actually mean for the entrepreneur?

Financial forecast

Making a sound forecast is more important than ever. In addition to making a going-concern forecast (how will the company develop in the event of an unchanged policy in terms of liquidity, profitability, etc.), making various scenarios during this period is extra valuable. Because what is the impact of new and existing government measures? What is the effect of changed payment terms, an investment or other matters that you can or cannot influence yourself?

The effect of Corona on liquidity

For now there is really only one relevant theme: Corona. The most important thing we can help enterprising Netherlands with at the moment is having insight into liquidity. Insufficient liquidity triggers a chain of unwanted side effects. Examples of this are the inability to meet the obligations of suppliers and financiers, but also the payment of salaries.

"Since the start of the Corona crisis, we have been in daily contact with banks and financiers to apply the current information and developments in our solutions for entrepreneurs. Fyndoo has been our partner for years for processing and drafting these customized financing applications."

Carlo van der Weg, Credion

Are you a business advisor?

Together we stand strong, which is why we want to help you gain insight into the effect of this crisis and the measures announced. Are you a business advisor and don't you use Fyndoo Advise yet? Then we offer you to use Fyndoo Advise for free at least until the end of April. At the end of April, we will review the situation and determine whether this measure is still necessary and sustainable. Send an e-mail to, mentioning: “Turn on Fyndoo Advise” and you can get started the same day.

Are you an entrepreneur?

Are you an entrepreneur and can we help you to get a better grip on the current situation? Topicus is also there for you. Send an e-mail to and mention “Insight”. If we cannot help you ourselves, we will gladly put you in touch with one of our affiliated advisors in your area, such as Credion or Financieringsgilde.

In the coming period we will provide you with regular updates, for example by helping you draw up scenarios. Let's put our shoulders to the wheel together!

"There are good schemes for entrepreneurs in financial need, such as the guarantee for SME loans. It is important that they are easily accessible. Almost all entrepreneurs now need a personal and independent sounding board. Thanks to Fyndoo, our advisors can give clients clear insight into their advice."

Andre Hendriksen, Financing guild